It’s no secret that your website is a crucial part of your photography business that you shouldn’t neglect. After all, it’s the very first thing that potential customers and clients will see when they come across your business. Have you ever wondered if your website is hitting all the essential elements it needs to be successful? If you feel your website lacks something or you want to give it a new look that feels a bit more you. Then perhaps you’ve thought about taking some time to refresh it or even hiring someone to do it for you. If this is something you were considering, here are Six photography website red flags that could mean a website redesign is well overdue!

01. Your analytics tell you that the conversion rate on a specific page has dropped.
Viewing your analytics is always important to check how your photography website is functioning. If your site map shows a drop-off on your site where people are leaving. This can be a sign that your website isn’t working at its full potential. It could be due to a misunderstanding of the information presented on the page. Maybe the user flow isn’t allowing them to navigate correctly or it could be a sign of a more serious issue that needs to be further investigated. When re-working your site or hiring someone to give your photography website spruce up. By checking your analytics, you’ll be able to tell what parts of your website design need a bit of re-working.
02. You’re noticing that people are contacting you with questions or requests for pricing information that should already be available on your page.
Have you found people frequently reaching out to you for information that is already on your website or find people asking the same questions over and over again? This could be a sign that your website isn’t communicating effectively. It could also mean that they haven’t been able to locate the information they’re after, that the details aren’t clear or that things on your website are confusing or are contradicting each other. Whatever the case, it’s clear that visitors to your website are having difficulty finding what they’re looking for. Whether it’s pricing information, product details or other vital information. It’s essential that you display information in a way that is user-friendly or impactful. And make sure your website is user-friendly and clear so visitors can easily find the answers they’re seeking.
03. You’re feeling embarrassed to show people your website, and it just doesn’t seem to be doing justice to the quality of your work or the products and services you offer.
‘Hey, can I look at your website?’ *internal screaming commences* You shouldn’t have to be ashamed of your website. If you’re feeling a deep internal cringe when people go to your website, this could indicate that your website is not effectively showcasing what you have to offer. If your website is not correctly branded with your unique style. A redesign could help you stand out from the competition. When your website aligns with your values and style, it can magnetise people wanting to work with you. If it’s not aligned, then it might be time to consider redesigning your website. Making sure to give it a look and feel that accurately reflects the quality of your work and the products and services you offer.
04. If people ask for discounts or say they can’t afford you, your website could suggest that your services aren’t of value.
Have you had plenty of inquiries but they are all asking for discounts? Do you hear the dreaded ‘you’re out of my budget’ far too often? This could be a sign that you need to invest more in your website design so that it can communicate your quality and value. Investing in custom design tailored to your business and customers. As well as ensuring the website is easy to navigate and has quality content. These are all key points to consider when making investments in your website. Professional visual elements, such as high-quality photos and videos, can also help to build credibility and trustworthiness. Therefore, making your website look more reputable. Are you going to depart with your hard-earned money to a website that has loading issues? That you can’t navigate the menus and looks out of date? No, probably not. When your website is effectively communicating your value and why you and your service is the freaking best. Then your viewers will have no problem spending a higher price for the value you provide them.
05. Are you attracting clients that are your dream clients who are genuinely obsessed with your brand?
Ultimately, it’s essential to ask yourself whether the people you attract to your website are the kind of people you want to work with. Is your website is doing enough to make them feel comfortable enough to make a purchase or inquire? Are the people reaching out to you from your website aren’t people you’re over the moon obsessed to work with? If not then there could be a disconnect between you and those people. You should also consider whether your website provides enough information. And whether the aesthetics of your website are actively targeting your dream audience. What are they looking for when they come to your site? What fonts, colours and language would make them feel connected? These are all important considerations that can help ensure that your website is optimised correctly for your dream audience.
06. Is your website looking more bleugh than badass when it comes to mobile?
And last but not the least of our Six photography website red flags, Mobile design. It’s no shock that mobile design for your website is now more critical than ever; with smartphones in every pocket and social media taking over as our primary forms of communication, making sure your website looks great on mobile is vital. According to Exploding Topics, in Feb 2023…
- 60.04% of website traffic comes from mobile devices.
- 92.1% of internet users access the internet using a mobile phone.
- There are approximately 4.32 billion active mobile internet users.
If your website is also not optimised for mobile, which can lead to an overall negative user experience and a decrease in conversion rate. You could be missing out on converting 60% of your traffic from new leads. To address this issue, it is essential to ensure that your website is designed to be responsive, allowing it to look and function properly across all types of devices. Not only will this help to reduce the amount of frustration users may experience on smaller screens, but it will also help you to maximise your conversion rate, as customers are more likely to stay on your website and reach out.
These are our six red flags to watch out for that could indicate your photography website needs a redesign. We hope this post was helpful, and we’d love to hear in the comments what red flags you’re currently struggling with on your website.